We are thrilled to offer our 300-hour training to qualify for Yoga Alliance 500 hour trainings. To qualify for this training, you must have a 200-hour training certificate in Ashtanga Yoga (either with us or another school).
We are excited to deepen the growth and knowledge of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga for yoga students and teachers alike! In this training, we will do our best to guide you to cultivate inner growth and self-development through a committed practice and self- reflection and then learning to use this inner guide to share the knowledge with others.
A bonus to your learning: you will have 3 months access to the on-line videos of all the topics we cover during the 5-week 200h intensive. An amazing tool to refresh your memory or update your notes before embarking on the 300h training!
The training is recognized internationally. Every year there are people from all corners of the world coming together to share and go deeper in their mutual passion for yoga in this beautiful city, Paris (or some qualifying intensives in the South of France).
The 300+ hour training is based on the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary and Intermediate series, which gives a solid base to any dynamic asana practice since most forms of contemporary flowing yoga styles, have evolved out of Ashtanga.
During different intensives review key poses and the ‘gate-keepers’ from the primary series and we go over the asanas from the intermediate series; discovering the basic movements which are universal alignment techniques one can apply to all the Ashtanga series, exploring different ways to modify each position with and without props, learning the contraindications for each asana and alternatives to achieve a similar outcome, how to do hands-on adjustments and especially exploring the anatomical understanding to keep each yoga student safe in the poses to encourage a life time practice.
In addition, we will continue from the kriya and pranayama practice learned in the first training. Adding on to the practices so that these highly effective and deep practices are taught correctly and safely. They appear subtle however, their subtleness is deceiving therefore, kriya and pranayama need to be taught with intelligence and awareness.
And of course, we will go deeper into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, building on the basis from the first level training and then begin into the Bhagavad Gita. These classic texts teach us that the ‘real’ yoga is beyond the physical aspect there is a great emphasis put on yogic philosophy and daily living to ensure that we all remember to put in that “1% theory” and apply it to all aspects of our lives; on and off the yoga mat and meditation cushion!
How it works:
You enroll in the 300-hour teacher training at any time by filling in the registration form and paying the registration fee. Then you have up to 3 years to enroll and participate in any of the qualifying intensives or workshops to accumulate the requisite hours. The benefit of this format is that you can start whenever you like and take part in the intensives that accommodate your personal planning.
Intensive & Workshop Topics:
- The Subtle Body ~ Pranayama, Chakras & Asana
- The Yoga Sutras ~ Exploring for Every Day Living
- Mysore Style Intensive
- The Gate-Keepers of Primary Series ~ Going Deeper
- Intermediate Series ~ Nadi Shodhana
- The Art of Hands-On Adjustments
- Relax & Restore ~ Restorative Yoga
- Anatomy of Asana
- Yoga is Balance ~ The Bhagavad Gita
- Teaching ~ Sharing what you Know
- Yoga Anatomy Online with Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews
Upcoming Qualifying Intensives & Workshops:
– Sama Ashtanga Yoga Intensive with Chuck Miller (50hrs) · Golfe Juan · March 15 – 23
– Ashtanga Yoga & Anatomy Workshops with David Keil (24hrs) · Paris · April 19 – 23
– Alpine Yoga Retreat with Linda & Gérald (17.5 hrs) · La Cluzas · May 28 – June 1
– Intermediate Series & Chakra Exploration with Linda (35 hrs) · Paris · June 5 – 9
– Teacher Training / Yoga Immersion with David Swenson (40 hrs) · Paris · October 6 – 12
– Vinyasa Teacher Training with Linda (30 hrs) · Paris · November 8 – 12
We offer two payment options to register for the 300+ hours course:
Option 1: 800€ to be paid at the time of registration to validate it, to which must be added the registration costs for each module during the 3-year course (+2 optional). The total cost of training varies according to the modules selected.
Option 2: 5000€ (maximum 16.66€ per hour) which can be paid in one installment at the time of registration, or in 3 installments spread over the 3 years of training as follows:
1st year: Administrative enrollment (200€) + 1800€
2nd year: 1800€
3rd year: 1200€
If you want to take part in workshops with international teachers, these are limited to 2 workshops or a maximum of 60 hours of training over the entire 300+ hour course. If you want to do more, the public workshop rate will apply.
Total cost of training includes:
300+ hour training instruction manuals
Home study program
3 months’ access to our online training 200+ hours
A 40-Class Card to follow the Mysore program at Ashtanga Yoga Paris
Feedback booklet for workshops/courses/assistances
Certificate of achievement on completion of the entire course
The total cost of the course does not include:
Travel and accommodation costs if you need to come to Paris or Golfe Juan for the course.
Meals during intensive courses, classes and assistances
Ashtanga Yoga Paris is a vocational training school recognized by the French Ministry of Labor, Qualiopi certified. Our Yoga training courses are therefore eligible for grants and funding from local authorities, Pôle Emploi and OPCAs (AFDAS, etc.). We invite you to contact your organization funding your training to find out if you are eligible. We can help you with all the administrative formalities.