Special Online Sessions with Linda

These classes are taught by Linda in the South of France and online.


This class is to focus on morning practices to prepare you for your day. We generally start with a couple of techniques that awaken the abdominal area to promote healthy internal organs and tone the abdominal muscles. Then we warm up all parts of the body using conscious mindful movement through yoga poses.

As the body starts to feel energized, we’ll move through a short session of dynamic movement before coming back to the floor to cool the body and nervous system. Often, we end with a couple restorative yoga poses before completely letting go in a guided relaxation.

The class is open to all levels.


Healthy posture is essential for the energy to move freely through our body and keep away aches and pains. It also affects how we present ourselves in the world and can reflect how we feel emotionally. Even how we breathe can be altered by how we hold ourselves. In yoga, it is said we are made up of five layers: the body, the breath/energy, the mind/emotions, the intellect/higher mind, and our bliss body. When we work on one, it will affect the others.

In this class the focus will be learning to feel the body from the inside out and where it is in the space around us.

We bring awareness to the inner core line, bringing balance to two aspects of yoga: stability and ease. There are no poses on the wrists or knees and no sun salutations, making it a great class for those new to yoga and anyone with injuries who need to slow down and bring mindfulness to their movements.

Experienced practitioners tend to enjoy the class from time to time as a reminder of what we aim to achieve as we flow through Ashtanga or Vinyasa sequences.

The class is open to all levels.


Pranayama techniques are special practices working with the breath. In this class we start with kriyas (cleansing exercises) that facilitate smooth, deep breathing and then we explore different pranayama exercises. This part of the class is about 25 minutes.

The second part of the class is a guided Ashtanga practice (open to all levels except beginners). The class is mostly flowing through a portion of the primary series however, we may skip some poses to have the ability to explore different portions of the series each week.

Also, we can take time to go into detail about particular poses or actions – how to do them with anatomical alignment, using props or variations to promote health, healing and mindfulness within the Ashtanga practice.

It’s a great class for those with a regular practice to have the opportunity to do a semi-workshop each week. Or those who don’t do the full primary but wish to try poses throughout the series in a safe manner.

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