Ashtanga Yoga Immersion with Linda Munro in Luxembourg

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*** Compatible with our 300-hour flexible Teacher Training ***

Ashtanga Yoga Immersion
Building and Maintaining a Life-long Practice
& Linda Munro

May 25 & 26, 2024
in Bridel, Luxembourg


9:00 – 12:00 Gradual step-by-step Primary Series + Yoga Sutras
One way to interpret ‘vinyasa’ is ‘gradual step-by-step progression’ therefore, in this class we will work through the beginning portion of the Primary Series in a slow-ish, mindful manner. Variations will be offered and all levels of practitioners are welcome except complete beginners.
After the practice we will discuss how the yoga sutras can help us inform our asana practice on the yoga mat.

14:00 – 16:00 Preventing Injuries in the Knees & Hips
In this class we will take a quick peak into the anatomical movement which can be used to inform yoga poses. As well as looking at a few of the key poses and how they can be practiced in ways that are healing rather than hurting.


9:00 – 12:00 Kriya, Pranayama + Primary Series
As a way to open up the breathing passages and balance the nervous system, we will begin with kriya and pranayama exercises. Then we will go through the Primary Series in a mindful manner progressing further than we did the day before.

14:00 – 16:00 Preventing Injuries in the Back & Neck
This class will take a look at the anatomy of the back and neck to understand anatomical movement to inform the yoga poses. We will also examine a few key postures to learn to practice them in ways that are healing and not hurting.


Sign up with Yoga Home Luxembourg:
For more information contact Nathalie:
+352 621 493 260 |